Contact Us

Feel free to contact us by completing our contact form below and we will be in touch within you as soon as we can to understand your needs and gather any more information from you before we give your our solutions.

We operate between normal business hours : 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday and will call you back if need be.

Contact Thehealthfinder Holdings :

If you prefer to use regular mail :

303-306 High Holborn
Northumberland House
England, WC1V 7JZ


Integrated display program with leaderboard, tower and engaging MPU have performed exceptionally well targeted monthly, quarterly campaigns reaching 4% CTR for MPU.


Historically, directory-based advertising targeting our strong health club traffic. Saw excellent open rates on newsletter insertion and clickthroughs from our recruitment sites.


Working with our ad agency, Nike and Nike+ used various display campaigns for targeted products as well as brand awareness. Initiatves always get a strong response.